Lectora Inspire 12.1 (Lectora Only)
Run this update program to update Lectora Inspire 12.0.2 to 12.1. You will need to have Lectora Inspire 12.0.2 installed prior to running this service pack.
April 22 , 2015
Microsoft Windows
System requirements:
Lectora Inspire 12.0.2
Installation instructions:
- Download the Inspire_Update-v12.1.exe file.
- Double-click the Inspire_Update-v12.1.exe file.
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
This service pack is available for download in the following languages:
- English
- French
- German
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Chinese
- Brazilian Portuguese
New Features
eLearning Brothers Template Library and Interaction Builder: L
Lectora Inspire provides integrated access to the eLearning Brothers Template Library and Interaction Builder. Enhance your title with Flash and HTML5 interactions and games from the Interaction Builder and select templates and assets from the Template Library.
Publish for offline use “exe and “zip” options:
When publishing for offline use, you can select to create a single zip file of all the offline files or an executable file for distribution.
ReviewLink 2.0:
ReviewLink 2.0 includes a number of new features including:
- Responsive interface: The ReviewLink site is designed to provide an optimal viewing experience across all devices - from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors.
- Security enhancements: A number of security improvements were made in this release, specifically as it relates to the resetting and distribution of user passwords.
- Performance enhancements: Performance enhancements have been included to improve response times for users with a large number of content, reviewers and comments.
- Improved email reliability:I Updates were made behind the scenes to improve email reliability.
- Brazilian-Portuguese language:Among the languages that you can change your default setting to is Brazilian-Portuguese.
Camtasia v8.5
Camtasia v8.5 includes the following updates:
- You can now sign in to your TechSmith account in-product and on the website
- Added My Places, which includes OneDrive for Business integration, and import and export from OneDrive for Business
- Bug fixes
- Web Windows now work correctly when the file includes sub-directories.
- Transparent buttons used with Web Accessibility Settings enabled will no longer cause the buttons to be visible in Run, Preview or when published.
- Disabled buttons will now appear correctly when viewed on European machines.
- YouTube videos using the https protocol can now be added successfully.
- ReviewLink will no longer allow URLs to be accessible without requiring a login.
- ReviewLink will not allow courses to be indexed.
- Multiple fixes have been implemented to prevent Lectora from closing unexpectedly, including issues related to:
- audio objects with missing resource files.
- publishing a title with an invalid hyperlink.
- importing PowerPoint (.pptx) files with EMF image files.
- editing synced events with media.
- running the Spell Check tool.