Lectora Lectora Online ReviewLink CourseMill
All issues are current as of 2/9/2021
Select the appropriate tab below to review specific known issues. Please see the Release Notes for a full list of issues resolved in the most recent release.
Actions Accessibility Applications Forms/Form Objects Objects Questions Test Publish Actions
LD-0623 Print Current Page action will only print one page in Firefox
LD-1898 Actions tied to event flags at the end of audio/video do not fire
LD-3244 m4a Does not play in Awesomium (RUN MODE/PREVIEW)
LD-4487 "Set character pose actions change your character if you used the properties to select a new one.
Workaround: reselect the New Pose for the action"
LD-5432 OnDonePlaying for Flash Activities Doesn't Work with IE11
LD-5633 Print Action doesn't bring up Print Dialog in Firefox
LD-0996 Enabling Custom Radio Buttons and Checkboxes through Preferences will override the Web Accessibility Settings, which should disable this feature
LD-6872 If a button sets itself to Disable, NVDA reads “unavailable”
LD-6877 The "No Location Bar" option for popup windows is not being honored
LD-6889 WCAG title, cannot use keyboard to fire actions on shapes without JAWS
LD-7096 JAWS does not read initially hidden text that is shown through the timeline / on show action with delay
LD-0247 Text that contains certain characters within it displays in the Question Creator, but will not display on the page in Edit mode or when published
LD-1091 Portuguese audio does not function in run or preview mode
LD-1092 Unable to import Flash files on French language
LD-1926 When Publishing to Offline in zipped mode the replace icon option doesn't work
LD-1932 Variable names allow special characters which causes JavaScripts when run on a browser
LD-2265 Pages with lots of text render slowly in build view
LD-3447 Text alignment doesn't always import from PPT
LD-3544 Maximize on a system with two monitor with different resolution does not fit screen
LD-4534 When Publish for Seamless Play is used, some scripts which count individual page visits are incorrectly incrementing
LD-5033 RCD content not sizing correctly on devices
LD-5385 Bug in export/import of pkg file when special characters in textblock
LD-6175 Auto Update using “Check for Updates” from the upper right dropdown does not close Inspire
LD-6375 Error message when clicking hyperlinks for pop-ups when published to AICC
LD-6382 LO package files that havea list that was modified using the new editor dialog in LO do not maintain the formatting
Forms/Form Objects
LD-1956 Fade transition on form objects causes objects to never display
HTML5 A/V Player When the video is viewed full-screen on iOS devices the device's default skin is used. Lectora does not have control.
LD-0923 Table-of-Contents Progress Bar with test section scope always stays blank if any pages are excluded
LD-0994 Underline doesn't work on Listboxes in Run and Preview modes
LD-1010 Random Transition doesn't load the full RSS Feed
LD-1016 Some v11 button fonts are not converting well to v12/v16
LD-1366 Float & Fade in/out transitions in IE 8 leaves text "fuzzy"
LD-1722 In lower views with an image and text block, with text wrapping, turned on, the text block is not growing as it should when the text block is full
LD-1957 Float Up/Down with Sudden/Steady In Effect, on shapes and images with reflections, shifts the object
LD-2029 Undo after editing a QR code updates the properties, but the QR code does not change
LD-2360 TOC does not resize correctly when a resize action is used.
LD-2378 With text scaling applied, while editing a text block scale shows 100% size
LD-2385 TOC Menu won't change pages if menu has a transition and the title has a chapter
Likert Question Existing Likert questions saved within library objects or imported from package files will not be converted to single question format.
LD-2112 Duplicate reserved variable names are being created when you copy a test
LD-2288 Page Count on a Test wraps to next line when viewed in PhonePortrait
LD-7427 xAPI statements need to be enhanced
LD-4540 Seamless Player: Web widgets are not cleaning up correctly
LD-4603 Seamless Player: Problems publishing multiple AUs to ReviewLink
LD-5629 Multiple AU titles published to ReviewLink will always open the first AU