Free Flash Templates Now Available for Snap! Empower

Free Flash Templates Now Available
for Snap! Empower

Flash Interactions Builder Provides More Than a Dozen Free Flash Templates for use in Snap! Empower

CINCINNATI – November 8, 2011 – Snap! EmpowerTM Flash interactions builder releases more than a dozen free Flash templates, Components, assessments, full Projects and more for users to download and use in their rapid e-Learning content. Users can quickly download and fully customize to fit their courses and training.

These free downloads give Snap! Empower users access to many additional resources that can help them create Flash content even more quickly and easily,” said Peter Bray, Chief Marketing Officer at Trivantis Corporation. “The wide selection of Flash downloads and templates provide extra value to an already very affordable Flash creation tool.

Snap! Empower Flash downloads include a variety of ways to jump-start Flash creations quickly:

  • Individual Flash Components – Choose from 6 customizable Flash components to help you quickly create your own drag-and-drop and fill-in-the-blank functionality.
  • Template Packs – Select from 3 template packs that include an assortment of e-Learning and assessment course templates to jump-start content creation.
  • Customizable Projects – Take advantage of 8 complete and customizable Project templates for a quick way to make an entire Flash Project with ease.

To get the free Snap! Empower Flash downloads, please visit: Snap! Empower Downloads.

Snap! Empower is the latest and most affordable Flash interactions builder that enables users of any skill level to create Flash content without any Flash or programming knowledge. In addition to the free downloads, Snap! Empower comes pre-loaded with hundreds of templates and dozens of components for users to create Flash content quickly.

Visit to learn more great benefits of using Snap! Empower to make exciting and interactive Flash animations and content.

About Lectora®

Lectora® is the world’s leading e-Learning software used by most Global 2000 companies in more than 125 countries and is offered in six languages. The Lectora line of e-Learning products includes Lectora Inspire, Lectora Online, Lectora Publisher and Lectora Integrator. The makers of Lectora also produce Flypaper™, the leading Flash content creation platform, Snap! by Lectora® rapid e-Learning software and its sister product, Snap! Empower™ Flash interactions builder. The Lectora family of e-Learning products also includes CourseMill® learning management system (LMS) and Lectora Talent Management. Lectora is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio with offices in Boca Raton, Phoenix, Paris, London and Beijing. Lectora, Flypaper, CourseMill, Snap! by Lectora and Snap! Empower are trademarks of Trivantis® Corporation.

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