Storyboarding is an efficient way to improve the e-Learning development process for your entire team, especially when you can incorporate those storyboards in cloud-based e-Learning software like Lectora® Online. A storyboard is a great way to plan audio and video, graphic instructions, text elements, interactivity and navigation and overall project information—before your team actually starts developing the online training course.Follow these tips on storyboarding to help everyone on your team be more efficient and successful.Consider your audience.All the initial steps of e-Learning development are crucial during storyboarding, especially getting to know your audience. This is the time for your team to research your audience and make decisions that will guide the rest of the development process, like background, age and experience with online training.Choose a consistent theme and stick with it.Storyboarding is a helpful technique because it allows you to plan for consistency right from the beginning. Implementing a universal theme, structure and overall look for your e-Learning course makes for a finished product that is polished and professional.Make sure all storyboarding supports your learning objectives.Keep your learning objectives in mind when you’re planning out your online training course to ensure that your course is focused—from storyboarding to the final stages of development.Be practical with multimedia plans.Consider your team’s budget and timeframe before adding multimedia to your storyboard. Multimedia can be costly and time consuming, so make sure they’re not stretching any practical limitations.Create your storyboard in PowerPoint.You can create storyboards in PowerPoint and easily add them to a cloud-based authoring tool for your whole team to access.Watch this video to learn how to create storyboards in PowerPoint and integrate them in Lectora Online to make the development and review process more efficient.
You can also storyboard right in Lectora! To learn more about cloud authoring with Lectora Online, please visit collaborative e-Learning tool.Subscribe to the Lectora e-Learning Blog to get more posts on storyboarding, creating online training in the cloud and more!